Friday, October 3, 2008

The First Concert

Today was the first performance at the Seoul 2008 Drum Festival, and it was a fantastic success!   Thanks to the hard work of our crew, audio audio engineers, and the festival staff, we put on a killer show. This performance was a mini-concert, and The Junkman played five tracks to a very enthusiastic audience of about three hundred. Several other performers played, and there were several very talented groups in addition to The Junkman.

Thus far, everyone we have met has been more than welcoming, and I really can't say enough about how hard the festival is working to make everything go perfectly. With any luck, tomorrow's main concert will go as well as today's, and the five thousand people who will be in attendance will be as excited about the performance as the group from today was.

This is Chan, our translator and general assistant with all things Korean. We wouldn't be able to survive here without him.

This is a drum group from Korea who combine dance and drum. They were really outstanding.


Unknown said...

That was a great show. We were lucky enough to be sitting in the 2nd row! I saw you on the side stage after your performance and contemplated saying hello, but then about 20 young teens grabbed you to take pictures with them so I never got the chance to say thanks!

Amazing performance by all - and free! Good times...


Anonymous said...

Way cool, Don! Thanks for sharing the dance & drum pics, as well as your own.

Happy travels,

Kathy Q.